Meeting Minutes


NEACHP Meeting 03/09/21, called 6:06PM. Steve Scally presiding.

Members Present: Steve Scally, Kyle Pompey, Matt Mair, Holden Demers, John Ceaser, Kris Kessler, Bob Fish

Treasurer’s report was made. P+L has been updated and reviewed, all bills are paid. Copperfield sent us $2000.00.

Masonry Class – 13 people showed up, Copperfield sponsored. Need to charge more for the next one, between 700 and 900 for the class per person. Maybe 750 or 800. Same class will be held next year, need to pay the host for set up.

Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report, Ceaser. Second, Mair second. Minutes reviewed and accepted. Ceaser Motion, Pompey second. The upcoming gas class has been postponed until 4/10+11.

HPBA show is now the last week of June. Sweepfest will be canceled, and a possible chimney fire demo may be held instead at the AW Perkins facility in Vermont. Dates would be 7/9 and 10 and cost will be 200 or 300 per person.

Dues need to go out via invoice very soon.
Vendors are supportive and willing to do spiffs to promote our membership. Website needs to be updated.
Next meeting, 4/5 at 6:00PM.
Adjourned 6:51PM.


NEACHP Meeting 04/05/21, called 6:07PM. Steve Scally presiding.
Members Present: Matt Mair, Steve Scally, Holden Demers, Kris Kessler, John Ceaser Motion to approve last minutes, John Ceaser. Second Holden Demers
No Treasurer’s Report
Old Business:

No gas class due to scheduling
Dues need to be invoiced and sent out.
Annual meeting needs to be held in June and announced soon.
Upcoming educational events reviewed, HPBA show is now virtual.
Holden will coordinate member benefits with vendors and reach out as necessary.

New Business:

John Ceaser is offering his facility to hold our educational events. We will consider doing a class there second week of August or so.

Discussion about moving our books to Quickbooks Online so we have easier access. Need a member/vendor list so annual meeting notifications and such can be sent out. A Google document has been set up so we can all coordinate upcoming things. Annual meeting 6/18 at 4PM via Zoom.

Adjourned 6:50PM.